Windy Summer Day = Good!

The month of June in Lithuania is tricky, with warm sunny breeze changing into stronger winds in a blink. What to do?

Melnragė - a quiet beach by Klaipėda

Go kiting.

If your "lazy-to-be" plans of sun bathing have to be postponed for a day or five because of the wide range of weather change during June in Lithuania, be sad not - there are activities eager to keep you away from frowning.

Sea Gates of Klaipėda Port

 Kiting is a popular and enjoyable form of spending time by the sea in Lithuania. You can get one of the simple stunt kites for 7 - 50 Euros in any of the local shopping centers and it will never take you more than 25 mins to get to the seaside at the Sea Gates (Molas).

Easy Thursday
It is an enjoyable alternative on a day when you may think that your free day has been ruined by the clowds. Having tried a couple of times, you can really understand the fun behind the wind challenge, for which the June is often well fitted.

Girls like it and are great at it!

While the wind can be the main factor determining the best time for those couple of hours of exercise by running in the sand,given a choice, the ideal interval is between 7pm and 10pm, providing you with a sunset made memorable by the same clowds.

II-a Melnragė

Before you know, next day you are back attempting the trick that lucky bastard next to you did yesterday. And yes, the sunsets are picture-perfect every time you are there.


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